That's right, by implementing Phases 1-3 along with installing a By-pass filtration system, you can eliminate oil changes! Visit the Oilguard web-site to learn more about By-pass filtration and to order a system for your vehicle.
For Phases 1-4: Check your oil regularly and change the filters more often if the oil is getting dirty due to unusual operating conditions. Filters are cheap compared to the price of a new engine. By using Phase #4, you should not have to change your oil, unless it becomes severely contaminated. Your Oilguard filter will remove normal amounts of moisture, but if you experience head gasket or fuel pump failure and are getting water or gasoline into your oil, you should get repairs and change the oil.
Diesel Engines can also eliminate oil changes by using the above Phases, however, the oil will eventually need to be changed due to accumulation of soot. The rate of soot buildup in the oil depends entirely on how clean and efficiently the engine is operating. Since the oil eventually turns black from soot, the safest way to determine your change interval is to have the oil analyzed by a reputable oil lab. Typically, using Phase #4, your change interval should range from 100,000 to 200,000 miles.
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